Configuration Management is
1)before System Requirement
2)at Start of the S.D.L.C
3)at Start of the S.T.L.C
4)at the time of Coding.
Would be better if anyone can provide some explanation for
the answer
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Please any one tell me what is application architure in web based applications
If a company doesnt use a bug tracking tool then hw the tester reports the bug to the developer? plzz do answer its urgent.thanks in advance
what are the test cases to prove that given figure is triangle?
What type of ideal testing process should be follow by CMM- 3 COMPANY.(PLEASE IN DETAIL)
How quickly we need to fix the bug?
what is date field test case
How do u find Synchronization problems manually?
What is defect life cycle/
What are the test cases for the fields, Name, Password, Login id, Address, phone,etc.?
what is the template of ur co,when requirements are not clear,suppose Business Analyst is not there to whom to meet.what is the role of tester in req or design phase
What is the difference between Bugzilla and Softsmith- QAMonitor?
How does u integrate the modules before performing Integration Testing?