What is defect life cycle/
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Answer / prapulla
defect life cycle and bug life cycle both r same
open -->close
OPen-->close-->reopen-->unable to simulate
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Answer / s33.aditya
It is the Status of the bug in the testing environment.
Once the bug is found,
1. New - Open
2. Assign to the developer
3. Verify by the developer
4. Rejects, fixed, fix it later, known isssue or Dfferred -
by developer
5. Retest - if fixed
6. Re-open Still the same error occurs and assign back to
the developer
7. Close - if there is no error
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / nandan kumar
Based on the requirements developers will be developed the
application and when the build#1 is released to the testing
department..test engineers will test the application and if
no defect simply stop the testing process.
If any defect is identified for the first time then they set
the status as "New" and send to developer lead.
(Here one thing we should know i.e., directly test engineers
will not send the defects to the development team..as a
tester we should send the defects to test lead first he will
analyze whether is it really a bug or not and then he sets
the severity and send to development lead).
The development lead also analyze whether is it really a
defect and if he feels it's not a defect then he will reject
the defect and set the status as "Rejected".
Hold status :
When ever the developer is confused to accept or reject the
defect then he will set the status of hold. For this they
will have separate meeting with testing dept to decide
whether it is defect or not..if it is decided as a defect
then the developers will open it otherwise the testers will
Differed status:
When ever the development lead accepts the defect and wants
to rectify it after some time then he will set status as
As per the design status :
When ever the test engineer raises a defect with out having
the proper knowledge of latest requirements then the
developers will set the status as " As per the design".
Then the test engineers will go through the latest
requirements and if at all they feel it is as per design
only then they will close it otherwise re-open it.
Open status :
If the development lead accepts the defect and he will set
the status as "OPEN" and also he will set priority and
assign the defect to the corresponding developer for
rectification..when he is assigned the defects the status is
Fixed status:
When ever the the defect is rectified by the developer
before releasing the next build they will set the status as
And then when build#2 is released to testing team..they will
not believe blindly once they will test the application
after rectification as well if no found then they close the
testing process and set the status as "Closed" or if they
found any defect then they will send to the developers with
status as "Re-open".
This process continues continues..till the testers will feel
the product is defect free.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / nitinsingh
Defect life cycle is the process in which the defects are identified,isolated and managed.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / amrita
New-new bug is fond by tester.
Deffered-it shoud immediately fixed or on its importance
criteria we can keep it aside so that it can be fixed or
send to developer later
Assigned-assinged to developer.
Fixed/Resolved-by developer
Could not reproduce-message by developer
Need more Information-msg by developer, so that tester can
send more deatails
opened-opened by tester if he/she is not satisfied by bug fixed
closed-if tester is satisfied
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / anup
The various stages that a defect undergoes right from its
filing to its fixture is know as defect life cycle.
New -- Assigned -- Duplicate -- Verified
-- Junk
-- Wait
-- More
-- Hold
-- Resolved
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 12 No |
Answer / n@n!
it is the procress of changing the defect from time to time
is called defect life cycle.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 13 No |
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