A question was asked in a company-suppose, I am testing a
website on QTP, all the time a new title bar is appeared on
next page. Trying to use regular expression under key word
driven testing
but expert view is also appearing unchanged and error is
also generating,
do you have any best resolution for that kindly explain in
detail. please dont give
example of yahoomail, that is unable to clear my doubt.

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A question was asked in a company-suppose, I am testing a website on QTP, all the time a new tit..

Answer / kumar

go to the OR and change the object name using '.*'(regular

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A question was asked in a company-suppose, I am testing a website on QTP, all the time a new tit..

Answer / less than you

I am reexplaining the question::

Tile bar is completely getting changed on the next page
what syntax we will use for regular expression for

Browser("Yahoo! Mail - The best").Page("Yahoo! Mail - The
best").WebEdit("login").Set "TestUser"
Browser("Yahoo! Mail - The best").Page("Yahoo! Mail - The
best").WebEdit("passwd").SetSecure "460205b87f0543"
Browser("Yahoo! Mail - The best").Page("Yahoo! Mail - The
best").WebButton("Sign In").Click
Browser("Yahoo! Mail - The best").Page("Yahoo! Mail -
Browser("Yahoo! Mail - The best").Page("Yahoo! Address
Book -").Link("Mail").Click
Browser("Yahoo! Mail - The best").Page("Yahoo! Mail -

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More QTP Interview Questions

Hello, I am working on automating unix application using QTP via terminal emulator.Recording and playback works as i execute my test case. I need to parameterise my data now. Steps to be followed 1. go to the application TeWindow("TeWindow").Window("Connect").WinButton ("Connect").Click 2. Make a transaction to an account I am able to make transaction one at a time (one person when i run the script) and the script is as below and works fine. TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen ("TeTextScreen").Type "./4ee.sh" TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type micReturn TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Sync TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen ("TeTextScreen").Type "a21100002" TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type micReturn TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Sync TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen ("TeTextScreen").Type "tcccc" TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type micReturn TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Sync TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen ("TeTextScreen").Type "test" TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type micReturn TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Sync TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type micF1 TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type "6" TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type micF1 TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen ("TeTextScreen").Type "xexit" TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type micReturn TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Sync 3. Now i need to Make a transaction to the account for the list of people available from data table. How do i do this? Please let me know if you can Thanks, Chaya

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