In 1st screen,if v enter a/c no. in one field, the
information of the subscriber will be displayed. The
details should be displayed only in screen 3(NOTE:details
should not display in screen 2).How can v do using QTP.
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yeah u can test it...
first to get value value of account number field...
get_text = browser("XXXX").page("XXXX").WebEdit("Account
(I just written for capturing data, write remaining script
for complete the process in first page)
coming to second scenario..the get-text should not be
displayed in page.
check_text =
search_text = instr(check_text,get_text)
if search_text = 0 then
msgbox "text is not Found"
msgbox "Text is not found in second page"
'***the above line is to open for 3rd page, i given sample.
n = browser("XXXX").page("XXXX2").getRoproperty("innerText")
g = instr(n,get_text)
if g = 0 then
msgbox "text is not found in 3 rd page"
msgbox "text is found in 3rd page"
end if
If any queries...
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Answer / nag
Hi, from where ur picking the value for entering A/C no, If
you are picking into a variable u can check the same
variable with the GetROProperty of the object in the 3rd
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why don’t use real time they r not using check points
Hi Friends, I'm new to QTP. I want to write a function in QTP for below senario. In an Excel sheet column B, I Have 10 Url/Links, and in Colum A there is a Flag as Y and N. My test should run only on those iterations which are flagged as Y. Please help, Thanks
Is it possible to call out to Java from QTP?
In an Excel sheet take two fields as agentname and password and type some valid agentname and that excel sheet in qtp so that qtp opens the flightreservation window taking into consideration how many records are entered in the excel sheet.For example if 3 records are entered today it will open 3 FR windows,if in near future the records are more than 3 then it will open that number of times.
How many types of recording modes in qtp? Which will be used when?
Explain the Load testing process?
In an interview what r the questions asked in qtp related project? pls any answer this question?
what are the metrics in general we use in testing.
suppose i login into gmail page after that i read all the messages (say 10 messages) i have to send (SAVE) the messages in Html,notepad and i have to replay(Compose) send the messages please give me the code and give mail id so that i can clear my question
Hi, I am supposed to automate mainframe application through qtp. I do not know how to start abt it. Can you plz help me in first initializing the process or do you anybody have a guide book or a link which guides me through the process of automating the mainframe applications and things involved in it.
Tell me the difference between the Data Driven Frame work and Keyword Driven frame work?
where we save the scripts created in one project?