what is mean by raid and what are all raids available even
in software and hardware?

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what is mean by raid and what are all raids available even in software and hardware?..

Answer / srinivas

Raid Stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disks.It is
a set of Technology standards for Teamingup DiskDrives to
improve Performence and FaultTolerance. Totally there are 6
levels in Raid
0 - stripping
1 - Mirroring
2 - Stripping and Mirroring
3 - Onfficially Not Defined
4 - Striping with Differential Parity
5 - Striping with Distributional Parity

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what is mean by raid and what are all raids available even in software and hardware?..

Answer / aakash mishra

Raid stands for redundant array of inexpensive disk. there
are two types of raid : software raid and hardware raid.
most of mnc used hdd raid. this is the techonolgy used for
faulttorance and increase perfomance!
there software available raid are raid 0, 1 ,2,3,4,5,6
in which 5 is most used.

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what is mean by raid and what are all raids available even in software and hardware?..

Answer / mcmarc

redundant array of inexpensive disk, this is used for data
distribution and data redundancy.
0 data distributed (no redundancy)
1 data distributed across disk and having a mirror of each
disk, its expensive
5 data distributed with parity

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what is mean by raid and what are all raids available even in software and hardware?..

Answer / manoj

Raid is Redundant Array of Independent Disks/Device.It is
Technology to improve Disk read & write Performence and
FaultTolerance., By adding new disk u can recover data if
one of disk goes down / fails. parity is a calculated
technique to rebuild data from disk fails.
levels in Raid
0 - stripping
1 - Mirroring
3 - Striping with Parity
5 - Striping with Parity with more fault tolerant widley

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what is mean by raid and what are all raids available even in software and hardware?..

Answer / shishir

Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disk

RAID 10 or 1+0

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