Linux General Interview Questions
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What is the minimum number of partitions you need to install Linux?

HCL, Vedam,

18 23213

Which partitions might you create on mail server HDDs other than the root, swap and boot partitions?

1 4260

Which partitioning tool is available in all distributions?

2 4523

Which file defines all users on your system?

8 10609

Do you know the correct sequence of fields in /etc/passwd file?

2 4509

When you create a new partition, in what terms you need to designate its size

2 4186

What file defines the levels of messages written to system log files?

2 6526

List all the files with ‘.mem’ extension in reverse alphabetical order in a particular directory?


2 6812

How do you change permissions on a directory of file?

4 5749

How can you view a file?

5 5320

Explain the read, write, and execute permissions on a UNIX directory

3 5216

Where is standard output usually directed?

2 4978

What account is created when you install Linux?

7 14222

Why you shouldn’t use the root login?

2 4728

How big should the swap-space partition be?

7 7041

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