tell me the full form of c?
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Answer / vignesh1988i
C is the successor of the language of B... so their is no
any full forms for C... it's just an alphabet
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Answer / v amsi
although some says that C's abbreviation is compiler (as if
it is compiler based language) i will agree vth first answer
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Is there sort function in c?
2.Given the short c program that follows a. make a list of the memory variables in this program b.which lines of code contain operations that change the contents of memory? what are those operations? Void main( void) { Double base; Double height; Double area; Printf(“enter base and height of triangle :”); Scanf(“%lg”, &base); Scanf(“%lg”, &height); Area=base*height/2.0; Printf(“the area of the triangle is %g \n”,area); }
identify the in correct expression a.a=b=3=4; b.a=b=c=d=0; float a=int b=3.5; a; float b; a=b=3.5;
The program to allow the characters from the input received and send this function to a function check if the characters between letters a to z is a function of y joins as the characters main and output to otherwise return to the original function of the y characters
Why is c called a structured programming language?
write a program to convert a expression in polish notation (postfix) to inline (normal) something like make 723+* (2+3) x 7 (not sure) just check out its mainly printing expression in postfix form to infix
Design a program using an array that lists even numbers and odd numbers separately from the 12 numbers supplied by a user.
You have an int array with n elements and a structure with three int members. ie struct No { unsigned int no1; unsigned int no2; unsigned int no3; }; Point1.Lets say 1 byte in the array element is represented like this - 1st 3 bits from LSB is one number, next 2 bits are 2nd no and last 3 bits are 3rd no. Now write a function, struct No* ExtractNos(unsigned int *, int count) which extracts each byte from array and converts LSByte in the order mentioned in point1.and save it the structure no1, no2, no3. in the function struct No* ExtractNos(unsigned int *, int count), first parameter points to the base address of array and second parameter says the no of elements in the array. For example: if your array LSB is Hex F7 then result no1 = 7, no2 = 2, no3 = 7. In the same way convert all the elements from the array and save the result in array of structure.
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> struct stu { int i; char j; }; union uni { int i; char j; }; void main() { int j,k; clrscr(); struct stu s; j=sizeof(s); printf("%d",j); union uni u; k=sizeof(u); printf("%d",k); getch(); } what is value of j and k.
What is Conio.h ?
Add 2 64 bit numbers on a 32 bit machine
3 Answers EMC, Hyderabad Central University, NetApp,
write a program of bubble sort using pointer?