Sorting entire link list using selection sort and insertion sort and calculating their time complexity
1 6961Given 1 to n distinct random number of which n+1th element was duplicated. How do find the duplicate element and explain the time complexity of the algorithm.
3158Given 1 to n random number, find top 10 maximum numbers and explain the time complexity of the algorithm.
1 6886How reader and writer problem was implemented and come up with effective solution for reader and writer problem in case we have n readers and 1 writer.
6 18858Why do we have serial and parallel interface, which one was faster and why and when we should go for this interface.
4 13389Say we have three threads T1, T2 and T3 which perform sequentially one after another is their any benefit of using thread over here rather than having a single process.
11 19809Post New NetApp Interview Questions
How to shut down apache solr?
What is p and v in semaphore?
Where do you attach the check payment form?
What is sross site scripting (xss) attack?
How can I create a template?
Explain how you configure thread pool settings in orbix 6.3?
If it were to your last day on this planet, how would you spend it?
How to use the sreamReader class to read form a text file?
What advantages does your competition have over you? - Venture Capitalists
How do I copy a template?
on 02/05/2013 issued a cheque to third eye ltd of Rs.14000/- in full and final settlement against the due on amount
Questions asked for the post of Manager (Finance) in a Public Sector company Subject of group discussions for the post of Manager (Finance) in a Public Sector company
what is the technical challange you faced in your module.please ans me the question i just want example can me any example please very important
npa is either person or account
Tell me what are cubes?