Why is there a performance difference between two similar queries where one uses union and the other uses union all?
what is replication? where do u use Go Keyword?
How to work on DTS?what is the main requirement?
How to Check if table exists in sql server?
When we are using this query to shrink the log file,what exactly it will execute internally? Do we lose any data when we run this script? which data it will truncate in the log file and where it is saved. Please let me know... USE DatabaseName GO DBCC SHRINKFILE(<TransactionLogName>, 1) BACKUP LOG <DatabaseName> WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY DBCC SHRINKFILE(<TransactionLogName>, 1) GO
What is the boxing and unboxing concept in .net?
What is openxml in sql server?
What objects does the fn_my_permissions function reports on? : sql server security
How to find the login name linked to a given user name?
your distribution database is full what will u do
I have Two table First have UserName and second is address, in address table more than value relegated to UserName table, i want to fetch 2nd address if exist other wise 1st address access
Using the customer, and order table in northwind database, please write a query to produce xml?
Is sql server implemented as a service or an application? : Sql server database administration