Can you tell me the difference between DELETE & TRUNCATE

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Can you tell me the difference between DELETE & TRUNCATE commands?..

Answer / pankaj kumar upadhyay

1) When we use delete command that time we will use
conditon or without conditon but when we use truncate
command so that time we will not use condition.

2)delete can roll back but truncate is not rollback.

3)Truncate is faster compare delete command.

4)delete is DML command while Truncate is DDL.

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Can you tell me the difference between DELETE & TRUNCATE commands?..

Answer / afzal_aziz

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Can you tell me the difference between DELETE & TRUNCATE commands?..

Answer / kapil

Delete: is a DML command.
Truncate: is a DDL command.

Delete & Truncate both can be rolled back.
Untill you have not commit transaction.

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Can you tell me the difference between DELETE & TRUNCATE commands?..

Answer / amita

Delete command only delete the rows from the table but the
schema of the table yet remains.Whereas Truncate command
delete the rows along with the tale's schema from the
memory permanently.

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Can you tell me the difference between DELETE & TRUNCATE commands?..

Answer / saradhi

Truncate command result can be rolled back as it is not
made an entry in the log where as Delete command result
can't be rolled back

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