hi i am jyoti i have done sap training in sd and master
degree in economics have 2 year exp as enduser in (gdms)and
1 year as sd consultant.as contract basis now what i can do
for getting job in it industry
how many types of operating system are avaliable?
I am work in it aompenei
how to get second highest salary from a employee table and how get a 5th highest salary from a employee table by using proc sql?
write a query that returns one row for each department and the number of employees in that department. Given two tables EMPLOYEE and DEPARTMENT, where there can be multiple employees per department.
What are scrubbing procedures in SAS
what are the top level class of interface in java?
how to swap all the values without using temporary variable. tha values r a = 20, x=60 and p=2.
5 Answers DST Global Solutions, iGate,
What is the maximum amount of memory any single process on Windows can address? Is this different than the maximum virtual memory for the system? How would this affect a system design?
What are events in smartforms?
Difference between HTML and DHTML?
how to invoke the macro in another macro?
smal talk is pure object oriented or not?