write a query that returns one row for each department and the number of employees in that department.
Given two tables EMPLOYEE and DEPARTMENT, where there can be multiple employees per department.
Tips for blog integration by www.esteemwebsolutions.com. Can Any body suggest me to how to make wonderful questions on web integration..
V2 SOLUTIONS APTI paper is very easy there are 3 sections 1'st is quant problem on age train traveling speed is given length of train is given we have to find out length of bridge then prob on calender one date is given on Friday hv to find out day of othe date ans is Friday then there was 1 prob on percentage which was very easy ans was 21340 then 2’nd section was english grammer had has been being like that hv to fill in the blanks was very wasy then last section was find relative words there was five Q 1 pant ANS:-breath 2inquire ans :- ask And 3 more out of that 1 ‘s ans was:- body 4 And others ans was :-through THEN THEY HAVE GD There was three topics 1 should we allow india’s talent to go to abrod 2 protest against seperate state is justify 3 inturuption of politics in cricket Thats all guys i cleared both the rounds now preparing 4 interview best of luck
Difference between interface and abstract class?
How to print No.of.rows affected after updation using ADO.Net
what is meant by life cycle of a business
How does the TCP handle the issue of multiplexing?
the systematic access of small computers in a distributed data processing system is referred as?
How can we develop a multi-tier application in Java?
what is different betweet class and interface in java?
2 Answers Microsoft, Sun Microsystems,
How same session variable can be used in both Asp and Asp.net?
I've an application where i need to give access to all the features only to admin and only few features to normal users. Say Menu...i dont want all my menu items to be accessible to all the users only the admin people can see few all the features where as normal users can have access to limited menu items...how can i achieve this. Please note that my menu is not a database driven menu.