The determinant of matrix is
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can we use DTMF technology for wireless car control
State and explain some of p-n junction diode applications.
what i servomotor?
Draw the current Vs time graph for an inductor connected to a d.c. source. How will you measure power of a transmissioon line? Tell all the steps alongwith the components used in power generation. Which law governs the induced emf?
why did the ground terminal place in 3ble plug?
Sir i'm working in an organisation last since 4 years and kept an own company, i want to whether it is must i should get electrical license for HT works for above 33KV works. what will be the cost. Please suggest.
what are the conditions of fs=2fm?
why the hysteresis is necessary?
how work microwave anteena in mobile tower
what is the difference between controller in mobile and processor in pc?
What are different categories of antenna and give an example of each?