will a bulb glow connected to two phases of a delta connection?
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Answer / reddy
Bulb will glow nicely if that bulb is highly rated in
voltage ... else it will be damaged
Is This Answer Correct ? | 21 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / sureh
bulb will be glow if the voltage of delta ckt match with
bulb rated voltage if delta voltage high bulb will brust
and voltage less bulb will glow deem
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / e.prabhu
if u r connected two bulbs in series connected accross the
delta two phase means it will glow. if u r connected one
bulb means it will burst.
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Answer / srinivas
in this question voltage rating is not mentioned properly.
if the voltage 440V AC.the bulb will fused out because general bulb voltage rating is 230V AC.if it is 11KV means very dangerous.
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