1.orders for a computer are summarized by the additional
features and are requested as follows;
Proportion of order
No features 0.3
One feature only 0.5
More than one feature 0.2
1. what is the probability that an order requests at
least one feature?
2. what is the probability that an order does not request
more than one feature?
Write a program to count the no. of occurrence of word in given string Ex- Ram is good boy. Ram is doing good job. Ram – 2 is – 2 good – 2 boy – 1 doing –1 job – 1
my first question in huawei was ....1)Tell me about your self 2) oops concept 3)logic gates 4)ram and rom ,what is cache memory nd where it is located 5)diffrence between file system and data base 6) procedure of operating system 7)what is c# 8)high level language and machine language 9) and from mobile networkin !!!! hope thz will help you
What do you think determines a person's progress in a good company?
if your monitor is not started with your cpu, but start when monitor attach to another cpu then where is the problem?
I found that there is no display on monitor even after the cpu have done its booting succesfuly....VGA port is normal and RAM was also been checked. What may the problem...please guide..thanks.
how does data cleansing framework works?
what is trx?
write a program greater then three numbers without if, if...else,while,do..while,for,switch statement.
write a c program which accept input as:Anu.B.Kapur and give out as:Kapur.A.B using pointers
what is the difference between core java and advance java
I need to know the process to add 100 tapes in ATL. Ho to inicialize them to the system? How is all the process i need to follow> Thanks
How to select the total numbers of fire extinguisher installed in a room ?