What are the packages for DNS?
how to use Multipathing in Solaris
How can i stop the telnet service in solaris 8 and 9?
Is there any difference b/w dhcp and jumpstart..?
I want to Know how many LUNs are in my Solaris10 server as well as NIC cards ?
wht is the purpose of autofs and automountd commands..?
How to quickly mirror a volume, if the volume is empty?
How many secondary groups allows to add..?
How u can detach or remove the disk it is in Veritas (Vxvm) control that is the disk in the production server ?
3 Answers Tech Mahindra, Wipro,
what r the packages for intel machine when u install
without keyboard detection is booting process continue or not?
what is mean by netfmd in sun cluster what is the use of netfmd and what is the relation between ccd and netfmd?
What does fmthard do?