i have qtp 9.5 ver software.but i don't know the license
key. if anyone have license key please send it to my
personal mail id(munir.reddy@yahoo.com

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i have qtp 9.5 ver software.but i don't know the license key. if anyone have license key plea..

Answer / amarendra kothuru

Better you can use demo verison of QTP 9.5 or cracked
verison. Nobody will share you the licenses as its cost is
nearly 8 lakhs...

So use the demo verison and if it is expired, use the
following process to reinstall QTP without OS installation.

1)Goto Registry

a. Enter REGEDIT by clicking StartRun.
b. Click CTRL+F.
c. Enter QTP* and Press Enter.
d. Delete all keys that are related to QTP.
NOTE : If you are not able to find the folders then
manually go to all locations and search the folders.

2) Delete the keys from the HKEY_local_machine in the
1) Clssystem
2) MercuryInteractive
1) Remove Rainbow.SentinelLM

3) Delete the files from your system

Some of the files not available in your system. leave it
and continue to next step.

4) Uninstall QTP from add remove programs

5) Restart the System.

6) Goto registry and delete Mercury interactive from two
folders HKEY Current users and HKEY Local Machine

7) Install QTP

8) Restart the system

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i have qtp 9.5 ver software.but i don't know the license key. if anyone have license key plea..

Answer / naazneen

i have done as mentioned above. but still its not working . am getting error as the machine does not have valid install. can anyone help me please? its urgent

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