In qtp, explain what is keyword driven automation framework?
What is the difference between functional spec. and Business requirement specification?
what type automation is fofollowed in the project?
Analyzing the Checkpoint results ?
What is Active Screen in QTP?
Tell me the QTP Advantages and Disadvatages ?
1)how to write test cases in test director? not go throuth requirments and plan but should be different way i need? 2)what is the mediator between qtp and application or project?
How to get data line by line from web element
Can we add the function library directly from scripting in qtp instead of adding from resource tab?
in a web table , i want you to click a particular object inside cell
what is error and fault in terms of software quality?
How to export quicktest professional (qtp) results to an .xls file?
What is the meaning Work bench?