Which transformer is suitable for 220/11 kV, 60 MVA,
distribution , Y-Y or D-Y or Y-D, give comparison for the

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Which transformer is suitable for 220/11 kV, 60 MVA, distribution , Y-Y or D-Y or Y-D, give compar..

Answer / a v prasad

not only the above reasons guys....
but also the following.
Y-D Transformer is preferred as most economical rather than
the both . reason: D side always preferred low voltages as
it has Vph = V line to line. it want more turns ans more
insulation to get that line to line voltage ..

similarly Y side high voltage can be used as phase voltage
is much less than line voltage, takes less turns and less
insulation to get required line voltage

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Which transformer is suitable for 220/11 kV, 60 MVA, distribution , Y-Y or D-Y or Y-D, give compar..

Answer / mritunjay singh yadav

since we are recieving 220V and transmitting 11 KV SO no
need to provide the neutral path hence we use Y-D TYPE

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Which transformer is suitable for 220/11 kV, 60 MVA, distribution , Y-Y or D-Y or Y-D, give compar..

Answer / ramniveth

if you are transmitting 11KV use (220KV)D-Y(11KV)
if you are transmitting 220KV use(220KV)Y-D(11KV)
because we have to provide return path to sense earth fault

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