what are the types of priority and sevority?
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Priority- Importance of the bug is known as Priority
Seviority-Impact of the bug is known as Seviority
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Answer / anu
Priority is basically from the Test Engineer point of View.
Four types of prioiry is defined as follows:
1. Blocking --- Block the Project to move further.
2. High --- Impcat on particular Functinality.
3. Medium --- You can skip the particular Step after that
Functioanlity is working.
4. Low --- Very Less impact just like
cosmetics/beautifications bugs etc.
Whereas Severity is concerned its from Customer point of
view. How the particaular functionality is going to impact
the Customer.
Three types of prioiry is defined as follows:
1. High --- Impcat on particular Functinality. test for
hemperage of data.
2. Medium --- You can skip the particular Step after that
Functioanlity is working.
3. Low --- Very Less impact just like
cosmetics/beautifications bugs etc.
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Priority : how fast the bug should be resolved.
Severity : how badly it effected the application.
Priority : p1 --> Fatal ------------- S1 --> Critical
p2 --> Major ------------- s2 --> High
p3 --> Minor ------------- s3 --> Medium
p4 --> Suggestion ------------- s4 --> Low
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