Then how to select the source by using webi or deski reports
into crystal reports? i think main source is Businessview.
where u import the datasource ?
What do you mean by Object qualification?
What is meant by ZABO and FC(full-client)?
What is a join? Explain different types of joins?
What is detailed Object
i want to hide a chart in reporting level? i want to hide a prompt in designer level?
How will you know the version of Bo using designer?
4 Answers Tavant Technologies,
Explain when to use local filter and when to use global filter?
how to do Ad-hoc reporting ?
what do u mean by merged dimensions in Business Objects
2 Answers Business Intelligence Analytics, TCS,
1) How can you use slowly changing dimension type 2 in Universe, Reporting and what would be the build process. 2) How can you identify the users in webintelligence not using the reports past few months. And delete them. 3) How can you move documents from one environment to other environment
how to sort on a particular object,that object is not picked up while creating the cross tab but we need to sort on the object that is not in the cross tab????
2 Answers Infosys, Keane India Ltd,
Say, the query gets executed and we got the results. In case if we have a large number of rows, how can we know the exact no of rows returned?