Write 2 scenarios for System testing?
what are the reason for assigning the status Postponed and differed to a bug? Pls tell me with exampless
what is the difference between stress and load testing
When you will raise defect? before defect raising what you will do?
what is the Difference between Integration testing and system testing?
How can you report the defect using excel sheet?
What are the properties of a good requirement?
How do conduct globalisation testing? anybody can explain this with example.
What is risk analysis,what type of risk analysis u did in u r project
Can you explain the pdca cycle and where testing fits in?
how do we update the test cases if the requirements change in manual testing. if we r not using quality center. depending on the changed requirements do i need to write a new test case or can we update the old test case.basically i want to update i dont want to write a new test case. so plzzzzzz answer.
For each bug I have to take a screen shot or For those only which are difficult to explained?
what is difference between testing and development in your view?