Is it possible to calculate a voltage for microwave energy
generating in oven?
Is there any formula relating frequency and voltage and it
should be independent of speed?
How to answer for "tell me about yoursel interview question"? While telling project experience, whether we should start from lastest to old or old to latest?
In C language,What is the use of f in printf or scanf statement? Whether it indicates the function if so the brief explanation ortherwise what is the main reason behind that f in printf/scanf statements?
What can be the reasons of a Call drop?
please define master-slave flip flop briefly.
Give details on how you intend to handle a challenging position you are posted to manage unexpectedly as a company staff?
why -48v is used for BTS in telecom?
write vhdl code for 8085 8 bit microprocessor
what is the difference between tcp and udp
basic call setup
Sir i'm working in an organisation last since 4 years and kept an own company, i want to whether it is must i should get electrical license for HT works for above 33KV works. what will be the cost. Please suggest.
What is transister
write a programme to identify the biggest number from the given three numbers with out using of relational operators