What is the difference between Action and Function.? when
both has the same functionaltiy, when do we choose Action
and when do we choose Function..??

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What is the difference between Action and Function.? when both has the same functionaltiy, when do..

Answer / pratap h s

Actions are more specific to tool Example QTP

Functions are generic and part of programing language.

Actions in QTP are used to divide the test into different
logical units .

Within actions we can write functions .

but witin functions we cant use actions

we call functions in actions .

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What is the difference between Action and Function.? when both has the same functionaltiy, when do..

Answer / bfakruddin

Hi Folks,

Here I am giving an efficient data about Actions and
Functions... and when we use specifically...

click here


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What is the difference between Action and Function.? when both has the same functionaltiy, when do..

Answer / nath t

Major Differences:

Functions: Function returns only one value. it doesn't has
Object repository.

Actions: Actions has Object repository. It returns more
than one value (i.e Output parameters). We can declare
more than one Output parameter.

we can call Function in any Actions in QTP test. But Action
is not like that we have to mention that as reusable action
in Action Properties.

we can store Functions in .VBS file. but Action we cann't
store like this way.

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