i was install Q.T.P.8.2 in windows xp version .when i
am running my programs all the desktop icons are disappear
why so. please guide me anybody how can i come out side
this problem.
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Answer / srinivas.v
Hi..this is a very common problem with QTP 8.2..not to
worry...just close the exsisting the session of QTP
unselect the Active X option and contimue thing will be
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Answer / sourabh samaiya
HI.....whenever this kind of problem occurs do stop it by
using the task manager,format your machine and then again
try to install it,hope it will work fine
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Answer / divya
HI Buddy,
Most probably the QTP that you installed is a corrupted one,
so my advice is to remove the QTP from your system and try
to get the installer which is virus free.
Hope it will work out. Sorry if i mislead u.
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