how to write test cases for a text field that should have
maximum 250 characters
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Answer / deepa
TC_1: To verify the text field for not entering any
characters (blank text field)
Expected Result (ER): validation msg should display asking
user to enter data
TC_2: To verify the text field for < 250 characters
ER: data should be accepted successfully
TC_3: To verify the text field for > 250 characters
ER: Validation msg should display infomring user that data
has exceeded maximum character limit
Is This Answer Correct ? | 46 Yes | 7 No |
Answer / nuthan kumar v
1. Verify Mandatory condition. It should not allow blank.
2. Verify with Min length ie., 1. it shoud allow
3. Verify with Max 250 chars. It should allow.
4. Verify with Max - 1 chars. It should allow.
5. Verify with Max + 1 chars. It should not allow.
these conditions based on ur question only.
Nuthan Kumar V
Testing Engineer.,
Is This Answer Correct ? | 17 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / posa
Phone Number:
1.First, Check Wheather the Attribute is there or not.
2.Check Wheather the Button is Highlighting through
mouseover or not.
2.Check Wheather the Cursor is staying there or not.
3.Check wheather it have any Attributes like:
3.Check which type of Input's it is accepting.
c.Alpha Numerics.
d.Special Symbols.
4.Calculate Boundary Value Analysis.
5.Calculate Equivalence Class Partationing.
d.Special Symbols-----InValid.
6.It should not allow all zero's.
7.It should not allow blank text page.
6.Check it is allowing selecting option or not.
7.Wheather it is allowing cut,copy, paste options or not.
8.Check it is allowing otherthan these options.
9.Finally Check it is Saving or not.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 22 Yes | 8 No |
Answer / nag
min = 0 pass
max = 250 pass
min1-1= -1 fail
min+1 = 1 pass
max-1 = 249 pass
max+1 = 251 fail
Is This Answer Correct ? | 12 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / mahi
Verify the field is mandatory or not. First verify for
lesser number of charecters then verify for 200 charecters.
Then verify for more than 200 charecters.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 8 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / ajith
For one text field we can write number of test cases if the text field is mandatory to at least one value we can write like..
min = pass = 1
max = pass = 250
min-1 = fail = 0
min+1 = pass = 2
max-1 = pass = 254
max+1 = fail = 256
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / prasanth r
check how many letters that text box can accommodate:
CASE1:enter the capital letters and check how many letters
that text box can accommodate.
CASE2:enter the small letters and check how many letters
that text box can accommodate.
CASE3:enter the combination of letters(small and capital)
and check how many letters that text box can accommodate.
CASE4:enter the different languages(other than english such
as tamil.hind) and check how many letters that text box can
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / swathi
1.does accept able to use
2.does text box shouldbealigned
3.Does accept alphabets only
4.Does accept alphanumeric character
5.does accept special character
6.does accept symbols
7.does accept blank field
8.does accept spaces
7.does accept content with spaces
8.does accept upper cases
9.does accept lower cases
10.does accept mix of upper and lower cases
11.does accept characters more than the textbox
12.does accept backspace,delete keys to clear the data
13.does accept decimal character
14.does accept binary ,hexadecimal character
15.does accept morethan max length
16.does accept lessthan max length much length should be accept
18.does allow copy and paste
17.does allow cut and paste
18.does allow drag and drop
19.does accept the unicode character
20.does cursor appear while typing the content
21.does accept greater than 250 cahracter
22.does accept lessthan 250 character
23.does accept 250 character only for letter?
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / jay
Other than all the above scenarios, need to check with all the special char values.
Most of the special chars will not allow to enter and the proper warnining messages should be given.
Most of the crashes occurring while using the special char only.
Based on the requirement from customer, special chars should be handled in coding.
If it is mandatory field, It should not allow a single space or multiple spaces to save the form. Trim option to be used to avoid blank spaces.
Copy and pasting should be validated based on the customer requirement.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 1 No |
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