what are the test bugs
what is positive and negative testing explian with example?
11 Answers Accenture, Qutesys, Sabic,
diff b/w project based testing and product based testing?
tell me some major and minor defects in ur net banking project?
Functional and Integration test scenarios for actitime application
How do you promote the concept of phase containment and defect prevention?
1. What is SQL editor,DB check points and will we use it. 2. Where will we use these things (Automation/manual)
What are similarities of Agile and Scrum?
0 Answers CybAge, IBM, Nissan,
There are some features to improve the performance of a Product. What are those factors?
write test cases on pen
Can you explain equivalence partitioning?
How do you develop a test plan and schedule? Describe bottom-up and top-down approaches.
scenario is like the following, a software to be installed in the train the work of the software is when ever any object comes opposite to it the train has to be stopped would u plese any bone tell us the test case for this