hi this is srinivasa(from blr) i complited my B.tech(e.c.e)
in 2007 im searching job in s/w testing but idont have
freshers resume for s/w testing please send some s/w
testing resume for me(fresfers resumes only) advns thnks
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pawan, i think u have to such in net, definately u wil get
don't depend on others.
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How many types of Actions are there in QTP?
Please help me by providing the License key for QTP 9.2, at guru_aarya@yahoo.co.in Best Regards Gururaj.B
Where to use Property Let, Property Get, Property Set in UFT
How to load a object repository(using VBScript) ... very urgent....
wt is frame work wt r d different types of frame works used in ur company
What are the challenges do we face while testing webbased applcations using the automation tool QTP or any?
What is test object model in QTP?
We are using the QTP version 9.0 where we want to call objects from global repository for a particular function at runtime for increasing the performance of framework.We are actually looking for loading the objects under test (OAT) dynamically when script runs and would like to unload the same once the execution of the script is completed.
I want to install qtp software in my system, My operating system is vista . Anybody please suggest me how to get QTP software with licence key
Analyzing the Checkpoint results ?
We are calling Actions in Expert View by using Run Action.but i want to know where we are saving the Actions Scripts.Pls explain??
Can anyone explain me about child objects in detail;when they are used and why do we need them ? please give me sample code for this if possible.