HI i have 2 year manual testing exp from MNC in pune
but due to some reason i am looking job in testing .
Friends hepl me to get the job i am not getting calls.
how to cable size by Amp with example
Explain force?
1.orders for a computer are summarized by the additional features and are requested as follows; Proportion of order No features 0.3 One feature only 0.5 More than one feature 0.2 find; 1. what is the probability that an order requests at least one feature? 2. what is the probability that an order does not request more than one feature?
which is having more efficiency smaller power plant or bigger power plant? why?
Qatar petroleum will call me for an technical phone interview as safety officer Please let me know what kind of question they asked ? any idea about this written test ?
what are the different types of datasets? what are their characteristics and properties? what are the advantages and disadvantages over others?.
What is a decade?
PLC Training in chennai ? Best PLC Training center in chennai?
How can write a C program that shows All the prime number?
What do u mean constructor in java ?
what is ads
How would you design a gravity dam for holding back water?