Inspections, walkthroughs and Reviews comes under QA or QC?

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Inspections, walkthroughs and Reviews comes under QA or QC?..

Answer / siva nandhan

Inspections , Walk-throughs and Reviews come under Quality
Control (QC). These are verification techniques. These
techniques find the defects after they are introduced.
Quality Assurance (QA) is for preventing the defects
itself. QA deals with correcting the process issues that
cause defect introduction. code previews / design previews
are good examples of defect prevention steps. A good QA
process makes sure that there are preventive steps in the
SDLC followed by a project team.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 1 No

Inspections, walkthroughs and Reviews comes under QA or QC?..

Answer / abhishek

u r write QA is a static process and QA is responsable for
control and monitoring the project that is confirming that
we are building the product right.

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Inspections, walkthroughs and Reviews comes under QA or QC?..

Answer / lakshmanaraj bg


It is the informal way of checking the documents.

A 'walkthrough' is an informal meeting for evaluation or informational purposes. Little or no preparation is usually required.

Review Roles:

Organisations will commonly have different named roles than those listed below, but this will give you an idea of a commonly used set of roles used throughout the world.


The Manager will be the person who makes the decision to hold the review.

Managing people's time with respect to the review is also a Managers responsibility.


The Moderator effectively has overall control and responsibility of the review.

They will schedule the review, control the review, and ensure any actions from the review are carried out successfully.

Training may be required in order to carry out the role of Moderator successfully.


The Author is the person who has created the item to be reviewed.

The Author may also be asked questions in the review.


The reviewers are the attendees of the review who are attempting to find errors in the item under review.

They should come from different perspectives in order to provide a well balanced review of the item.


The Scribe (or Recorder) is the person who is responsible for documenting issues raised during the process of the review meeting.


An inspection is a formal type of review.

It requires preparation on the part the review team members
before the inspection meeting takes place.

A person will be in charge of the inspection process,
making sure the process is adhered to correctly.

This person is called a Moderator.

The Moderator is normally a technical person by nature and may have Quality Assurance experience.

It is also suggested that the Moderator comes from an unrelated project.

This is to ensure an unbiased approach, and prevent a conflict of interests.

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Inspections, walkthroughs and Reviews comes under QA or QC?..

Answer / guest

please gimme d answer my dear frenz!!!

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Inspections, walkthroughs and Reviews comes under QA or QC?..

Answer / kitkat81

Don’t get confuse Between QA & QC
QA is static process; the main intension of QA is to verify
whether we are building the product right. In which the
documentation part and the specification part of the
project is checked
QC is a dynamic process, which validates the functionality
on the project or product with comparing with actual value
with customer expected values

correct me if i am wrong..

M.V.Krishna Chaitanya Rao

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Inspections, walkthroughs and Reviews comes under QA or QC?..

Answer / abhishek

inspection,walkthroughs and review comes under QA.

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Inspections, walkthroughs and Reviews comes under QA or QC?..

Answer / abhishek

yes, Qc is very similar to test director.

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Inspections, walkthroughs and Reviews comes under QA or QC?..

Answer / shahid ahmad

Quality Center (QC) is a test tool which has been renamed by
the HP as it released new version of Test Director. HP has
taken over Mercury which owned Test Director.
Now the latest version of Test Director comes with new name-
Quality Center.

Anybody is appreciated to rectify my answer.

Shahid Ahmad

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Inspections, walkthroughs and Reviews comes under QA or QC?..

Answer / sudha

According top me QC is Quality Center tool. It is developed
by Mercury. Here we can prepare testcases and also raise

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 8 No

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