Pipe A can fill in 20 minutes and Pipe B in 30 mins and Pipe C can empty the same in 40 mins.If all of them work together, find the time taken to fill the tank
5 27501hello friends, given an expression we have to remove the unwanted brackets in that expression. Eg : (a+b) ---> a+b (a+b)*(c)-----> (a+b)*c. Please mail me if you know the logic. My mail id is : saravana6m@gmail.com. Thank you in advance :-)
1 7953Post New GrapeCity Interview Questions
What is the max nvarchar size?
What is mvc in swing?
Where in linq query with multiple conditions?
List the different conditions that can be specified in a counting rule.
How can we put a restriction to upload files on our web server?
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What are common risks at Edward Jones? And how to face?
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Which the command you use to exit help window in python?
How can we check the value of a given variable is alphanumeric?
Which means the first record should come as last record and last record should come as first record and load into the target file?
What does it mean to declare a member function as virtual?
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What is a pragma statement?