Explain the check points in QTP?

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Explain the check points in QTP?..

Answer / suha

A checkpoint verifies that expected information is
displayed in a Application while the test is running. You
can add eight types of checkpoints to your test for
standard web objects using QTP.
?A page checkpoint checks the characteristics of a
?A text checkpoint checks that a text string is displayed
in the appropriate place on a Application.
?An object checkpoint (Standard) checks the values of an
object on a Application.
?An image checkpoint checks the values of an image on a
?A table checkpoint checks information within a table on a
?An Accessiblity checkpoint checks the web page for Section
508 compliance.
?An XML checkpoint checks the contents of individual XML
data files or XML documents that are part of your Web
?A database checkpoint checks the contents of databases
accessed by your web site

Is This Answer Correct ?    103 Yes 16 No

Explain the check points in QTP?..

Answer / y.harisha

check points are used for checking the conditions within
the script..

check points are similar to the conditional statements(like
If, if else,for, while etc)

we can have one or more check points for an object or
multiple objects with in a test.

Results in the results page are updated based on the check

QTP supports 7 types of check points

1.Standard Check point

2.Text Check point

3.Text Area Check point

4.Bit Map Check point

5.Accessibility Check Point

6.Data Base Check point

7.XML Check Point

Additional Check points for Web application

8.Image Check Point

9.Page Checck point

When we execute a script with check points, if the check
point fails then the expected value along with the actual
value is captured with the image of that object.

having many check points in a script will reduce the speed
of execution.

Is This Answer Correct ?    67 Yes 13 No

Explain the check points in QTP?..

Answer / atreya sarma

A Check point is used to compare our Expected value with our
build Actual Value. There are 8 types of Check points in QTP.

1. Standard Check Point
2. Bitmap Check Point
3. Database Check Point
4. Text Check Point
5. Text Area Check Point
6. Accessibility Check Point
7. XML Check Point - Web page
8. XML Check Point - File

Is This Answer Correct ?    47 Yes 9 No

Explain the check points in QTP?..

Answer / lalitha

Types of Checkpoints

1. Standard checkpoint
2. Bit map checkpoint
3. Text checkpoint
4. Text area checkpoint
5. Data base checkpoint
6. XML checkpoint
7. Page checkpoint
8. Table checkpoint
9. Image checkpoint
10. Accessibility checkpoint

1) Standard checkpoint.

It is used for checking the properties values on standard
GUI values.
It can be inserted in 2 ways.

 Through application
 Through active screen
2) Bitmap checkpoint.
It is used for checking the complete bitmap or a part of a
It cam be inserted in 2 ways.

 Through the application.
 Through the active screen.
3) Text Checkpoint
It is used for checking the Text present on a object. It can
be inserted through application as well as through active

4) Text Area Checkpoint
It is used for checking the test present in a specified
area. It can be inserted only through application but not
through active screen.
5) Data Base Check Point
It is used for checking the contents of a database.
6) XML (Extended Markup Language) Checkpoint
It is used for checking the contents of an XML file.
It is a universally understandable language and used for
data transformations.
Web Checkpoints
7) Page Checkpoint
It is used for checking the properties of a web page like
Load time, Number of Links and number of Images.
8) Table Checkpoint:
It is used for checking the contents of a web table.
9) Image Checkpoint
10) Accessibility Checkpoint
It is used for checking whether the page can be accessible
by more number of people or not. In order to check the same
actually it checks whether the page is developed according
to the WWW (world wide web Consorted) standards or not.

Is This Answer Correct ?    37 Yes 8 No

Explain the check points in QTP?..

Answer / manjula

There are 10 types of check point in QTP 9.2
1.Standard check points
2.Page check point
3.table check point
4.Image check Point
5.Text Check point
6.TextArea Check point
7.Bitmap check point
8.database check point
9.XML check point
10.Accessibility check point

Is This Answer Correct ?    27 Yes 8 No

Explain the check points in QTP?..

Answer / praven

1.standard checkpoint
10 table

Is This Answer Correct ?    59 Yes 41 No

Explain the check points in QTP?..

Answer / nabiha

1. Standard Check Point
2. Bitmap Check Point
3. Database Check Point
4. Text Check Point
5. Text Area Check Point
6. Accessibility Check Point
7. XML Check Point - From Application
8. XML Check Point - From resource

Is This Answer Correct ?    28 Yes 10 No

Explain the check points in QTP?..

Answer / renu

a checkpoints is a specialized step that two values and
reports the result.
checkpoint compare the actual result value from the test run
run with the expected result in a test plan .

the expected result are based on what is recorded .and the
actual result are based on what occur during a test run.
if two values match the checkpoints pass otherwise
checkpoints fail .there r 9 type of checkpoints in qtp.
standard checkpoints

Is This Answer Correct ?    28 Yes 18 No

Explain the check points in QTP?..

Answer / manjula

There are 10 types of check points in 9.2
1.Standard check point
2.Page check point
3.Table check point
4.Image check point
5.Text check point
6.Text Area check point
7.Bitmap check point
8.XML check point
9.Database check point
10.Accessibility check point

Is This Answer Correct ?    20 Yes 13 No

Explain the check points in QTP?..

Answer / kumar

1. Standard Check Point
2. Bitmap Check Point
3. Database Check Point
4. Text Check Point
5. Text Area Check Point
6. Accessibility Check Point
7. XML Check Point - From Application
8. XML Check Point - From resource

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 7 No

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