what is the difference between thermal magnetic release and
microprocessor based release breakers. what are the advantages
of latter over the first one...
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Answer / v.govindarajulu
In Thermal Magnetic Release shortly known as TMD release
gives two types of Protection which are overload and short
circuit Protection, In termal Property ( ie metal gets
elongated when heating) is used to sense the overload (
over curent causes high heat in bimettalic strip). and
Magnetic Property (ie Magnectic Flux / induction) is used
to sense the short circuit.
note: short circuit protection needs quick trip than
overload trip thats why thermal trip is used for Overload
Protection And Magnetic Property is used for shortcircuit
In Microprocessor release, sensing and triping executed by
Micrprocessor in gives the very faster response than TMD
Release. Normally Microprocessor based release gives LSI
Protection. ( G is Optional)
Is This Answer Correct ? | 90 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / manojkrishnan
The thermal-magnetic release tripping circuit works with the
advantage of bimetallic strip, on which a heating element is
wound and so it needs particular time to trip ( heat up the
metallic strip > open circuit the holding coil > opens the
contacts ) .But the microprocessor based CB trips more
rapidly as we can set the tripping current,sensitivity and
tripping time more accurately with the help of a CT or a
current sensing resistor (in DC ).
Is This Answer Correct ? | 44 Yes | 3 No |
fault sensing time is less in microprocessor release
Is This Answer Correct ? | 22 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / mustafa
Thermal magnetic uses bimetallic strips- manual reset
Is This Answer Correct ? | 16 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / naveen
in thermal magnetic release movement of the parts involved
where as in microprocessor based release is static device
no wear and tear
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 7 No |
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