What all db objects can be found in MSDB database of a SQL
Server instance?
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What is the difference between a "where" clause and a "having" clause?
What is the use of partition by in sql server?
How to rename an existing column with sql server management studio?
How do I find the sql server version?
How would you use user_constraints table in DB?
What is microsoft sql server?
What is meant by referential integrity?
What is transaction server isolation?
hi friends please answer this question ASAP:- how to count the no. of employee in a each department or no. of employee in each location by using emp/dept table
What is extended stored procedures?
In my application I have a process which picks the scanned files (tif format) from a shared location and it links to application and shown on it.The actuall issue is that my process picks the file before it is completly written or scanned which results in displaying few parts of the image or incomplete image.I need to check if the file is not completly scanned or written then do not link it to application.Please help if any body tell me that how can i check that file is in written phase or locked through DTS.thanking you in advance
How can we improve performance by using SQL Server profiler?