What is microsoft sql server?
Explain use of expression builder.
What is the security model used in sql server 2005?
What are scheduled tasks in sql server?
How do we get month name in SQL Server 2000, Oracle, MS Access?
code to create procedure for taking databse backup in sql server or i have the query for it but what it's query returns means i want to show on my jsp that the databse backup has been taken on the basis of that return value.does it returns 0 or 1.wat is the code for that
How to create an identity column?
Explain the creation and execution of a user-defined function in the sql server?
Explain the difference between primary keys and foreign keys?
syntax for deleting the database in T SQL
Is the order of columns in the set clause important in ms sql server?
How to know whether our backup is succesfully taken?
What is difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE statement