if i get a job in bsc .what are the main key duties to
What are the advantages of negative feedback over positive feedback.
Convert 1024 (in decimal) to octa and hexadecimal form
clock frequency of 8051 microcontroller.
35 Answers BBH, BEL, ONGC, Practical Viva Questions,
In wave guides tem wave propagation is not exit, give the physical interpretation?
1.Why we have to use inductor in circuits, what is their behavior? 2. Why we have to use capacitor in circuits, what is their behavior?
What is the largest decimal no that can be represented by a 16 bit binnary word?
what is the difference b/w different types of BTS like MICRO,MACRO.etc
main() { int i=5; printf("%d%d%d%d%d%d",i++,i--,++i,--i,i); }
For a 1φ voltage controller, feeding a resistive load, draw the waveforms of source voltage, gating signals, output voltage and voltage across the scr. Describe the working with reference to waveforms drawn?
Explain what is meant by saying at what current is transistor biased?
can any one tell difference between 802D and 810D???
formula for figure of merit