What is Inter-System Testing? Please answer me frnz!!!

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What is Inter-System Testing? Please answer me frnz!!!..

Answer / nadeem usmani

basically we test in it that different systems sharing the
common database ,resources , operating system etc .

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What is Inter-System Testing? Please answer me frnz!!!..

Answer / jack2891

* Inter mean between; accordingly Inter-System testing mean
testing amid systems.
* Now something that arise in your mind is what resides
inter-systems? It is no other than interface testing.

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What is Inter-System Testing? Please answer me frnz!!!..

Answer / asha

Testing the Software Build, whether it is co-existing with
the other software to share the common-resources is called
Intersystem testing.

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What is Inter-System Testing? Please answer me frnz!!!..

Answer / bala g

Intersystem Testing Means Testing the Inter connection
Between the application and the Database or Software or
Hardware Devices Etc.
Like 404 errors would be happen in this catagory.

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