What is the Extra tab in QC ? (TCS)
How to generate the graphs in test director?
I installed TestDirector 7.6 on my PC which has windows media center edition. It was working fine in the begining. But now when I try to start it, I get the message, "cannot connect to databas. The data base version is older than 7.5, please update database". I am using MS Access as the database. Any help would be appreciated.
how to create custom macros on a word document to import into Quality Center.
Of course, Test Director has recapped as Quality Center. What is the main difference between 8.2 version and 9.2 version of Quality Center?
What r the madatory fields in TD?
After creating the test cases in excel and exported to td. How does test director know the headings?
What is Test case coverage? Skjha2000@rediffmail.com
3 Answers Infeneon Technologies,
Does Windows Xp servicepack2 supports Quality center 9.2...? i got a QC 9.2 trial version..i tried to install on my sys but it says "HP QC 9.2 does not supported by Windows Service Pack2" please help me in this regard..
How to identify test cases with no scheduled test runs.
I am using Quality Center 9.2. While raising a defect i can see that there is only option to send a mail to assigned and it is also sent to me. Is there any way i can send the mail to multiple users ? I know i can save the defect and than later sent it to multiple users, but is there any way where i can send it at the time of raising the defect itself. Any configuration that can be done by an adminstrator?
What is the purpose of (three)each view?
How to switch between two projects?