How to capture screen shots when an error occurs?
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Answer / lak
Objectheirarchy.CaptureBitmap "path"
for ex
to capture any window
Window("Flight Reservation").CaptureBitmap "C:\pic1.bmp"
to capture combo box(tool)
Window("Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("Fly
From:").CaptureBitmap "C:\pic2.bmp"
This is used in QTP.
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Answer / uday kumar_anem
In QTP8.2, we can choose the run settings
Test -> settings -> Run tab -> set ON save image of desktop
when error occurs checkbox
In QTP 9.2, follow the below navigation:
Tools -> Options -> Run tab -> In the drop down list box "On
Error"(default) is selected for "Save step screen capture
to results"
And even we can also configure, whether we have to proceed
to next step or stop the test execution by following below
File Menu -> Settings -> Run Tab -> Choose the required
action from the "Whenever an error occurs during run
session" drop down list box.
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Answer / deepak k
Hi use RecoveryFunction to capture the image when error
Step1: Create a VBS file using following founction
Function RecoveryFunction1(Object, Method, Arguments,
'Find the Test Folder Path
Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")
testpath = qtApp.Folders.item(1)
'stores the image inside the test folder
image_name= testpath &"\imagename.png"
Desktop.CaptureBitmap image_name
End Function
Step2: Go to Recovery manager
step3: select "On Any error" or select u r own option
Step4: select function to call
step5: call the above mentioned file
Rest QTP will do it for you
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Answer / ram.polavarapu
if browser("").page("").exist then
reporter.reportevent 0,"login","login is sucess"
browser("").page("").capturebitmap "b.bmp"
reporter.reportevent 1,"login","lgin is not sucess","b1.bmp"
end if
note->give the wrong psw ang you will get the result in
results window
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Answer / laxmi
i am unable to understand can you explain in detail
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