how to answer freshers "tell me about your self?"

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how to answer freshers "tell me about your self?"..

Answer / uday kulkarni

Well its pleasure to tell about myself.I am uday
kulkarni .Born and brought up in hyderabad.I had done my
schooling and intermediate from a good recognised
institutions.Coming to my gradutaions,i had my bacherlors
degree Bsc with groups as MPC's from Osmania university
and my then my masters degree i had done MCA in university
college of engineering,Osmania university.Then coming to my
hobbies ,my hobies are playing cricket,chess,software
games. .Coming to family background my father is retired
employee and my mother is house wife.I am hard working
person and hungry for acquiring more of my
assets in my sterngths is mi interpersonal skills which has
brought me many friends.My goal in my life is to work in
only one e gud company till end of my career where i can
expose my knowledge for development of company and myself,
so that I can become one of most recognised and important
person of my company.thus this all about me.

Is This Answer Correct ?    535 Yes 120 No

how to answer freshers "tell me about your self?"..

Answer / saba

My name is Saba and I am Post Graduate with an additional
Iata Certified Course.I am a goal oriented person an would
use all my abilities to achive my target.I have good
communication skills with effective leadership qulities.I
am really proud of my self and believe in making my company
proud too.

Is This Answer Correct ?    439 Yes 153 No

how to answer freshers "tell me about your self?"..

Answer / shashank_reddym

hai friends

this is shashank reddy 4+ years of exp in it development

all r giving good answers, but question is related to
freshers i.e tell me about ur self:not for family back
ground, plz note these all points before going to interview

answer: frirst u introduce ur self ( ur name)
and 2)objectives:
3)educational back ground
4)technical education
5)achive ments
and stop ,bcz these r enough for freshers, dont extended
other words like(project description,family back ground)

2) post expirienced person

1) introduce ur self(ur name onlyi.e hai i am shashank
reddy,coming from so and so city its end)

2) skills:
3)proffessional expierience: (previous,current company)
4)educational background
5)technical background
7)habbies end for expierience person

prject is diiffernt question, bcz if iinterviwer asked like

tell me about ur project, u can give me brief description
about ur project, and one more point for friends

that is hr related question , tell me about ur family ,it
is also complete diffrent question

wish u all the best for friends

shashank reddy

Is This Answer Correct ?    284 Yes 28 No

how to answer freshers "tell me about your self?"..

Answer / azmath

well sir! my name is mohammed azmath ali
to talk about my acadamic qualification i have completed ma
graduation from shadan degree collage, i have completed my
intermediate and schooling from Sultan-ul-uloom.
to talk about ma family back ground i belong to a lovely
family of 7 members, my father is a successful business
man,and my mother is a intelligent home maker,i have 2
younger brother and sister.
i am a fresher to this industry and i want to build ma good
career.and i am looking for a good opportunity
my strenght are my positive attitude, self confidence, and
flexibilty .
i love to play chess, surfing on net, and playing
that is all about me.
thank you for giving me this opportunity

Is This Answer Correct ?    225 Yes 43 No

how to answer freshers "tell me about your self?"..

Answer / k.v.r.murty

i am K.V.R MURTY. i am from BHUBANESWAR orissa. i have
completed my graduation from MAHARUSHI COLLEGE OF NATURAL
LAW under UTKAL UNIVERSITY.i completed my schooling from
ST.JOSEPHS HIGH SCHOOL. i have represented my school,
college and state in cricket. i come from a family of 5. my
parents,2 brothers and me. i like 2 play cricket and listen
to music.

Is This Answer Correct ?    251 Yes 178 No

how to answer freshers "tell me about your self?"..

Answer / rajat sharma

Hi, i am Rajat Sharma, an electrical engineer from IIT Bombay. I am very
inquisitive and i like to explore new horizons. I believe in the quality of work
that i do. My strengths include being passionate about my work. I am also good
at extra curriculars and managerial tasks and i always try to maintain the right
balance between all these aspects.

Is This Answer Correct ?    64 Yes 16 No

how to answer freshers "tell me about your self?"..

Answer / sarika

Well its pleasure to tell about myself. I am sarika
mudiyam. I hail frm knl. Now I am staying at S.R nagar. I
have done my post graduation MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTION
frm R.G.M college n I pursed graduation from st. joseph’s
college n my schooling from MANIK junior college. Cuming to
my family background, i belongs to a lovely family of 5
members, my father is a successful business man, and my
mother is an intelligent home maker, i have 1 elder sister
and 1 younger brother. one of my assets in my strengths is
my interpersonal skills which has brought me many friends.
My hobbies are surfing the net n listening to music. I am
fresher to this industry where I would like to build my
career brightful. That’s all about from my side.

NOTE: 1. While saying the educational back ground starts
frm ur higher studies to the lower ones.

2. don’t reveal urs weakness until the interviewer asks.
My weakness is that I easily motivated by

3. acc` to the interest of the interviewer n time u better
continue by saying ur goal.
My goal in my life is to work in only one
reputed company till the end of my career, where i can
expose my knowledge for the development of
company and myself, so that I can become one of the most
recognized person of my company.

Is This Answer Correct ?    49 Yes 12 No

how to answer freshers "tell me about your self?"..

Answer / amrutha


Is This Answer Correct ?    28 Yes 16 No

how to answer freshers "tell me about your self?"..

Answer / rani

good evening,
i am rani of 3rd ece.i have secured an aggregate of
75%.i can do programming in c and java ,vhdl and pspice.i
am quite a regular student,consistent in efforts and am
goal oriented.i can work in teams without any difficulty.I
am looking for a job which gives me an opportunity to apply
the skills that i have aquired to reach the goals of an
esteemed organization like that of yours.i am also looking
forward for an oppotunity to improve my skill set and be of
even more utility to the company while i am working with it.

Is This Answer Correct ?    22 Yes 11 No

how to answer freshers "tell me about your self?"..

Answer / piyush gupta

I am Ravi Shekhar Gupta.I have Completed M.C.A from K.I.E.T Ghaziabad with 71%.I belong to a family where education give topmost priority. My father is government employee and mother is housewife.I have a younger brother and elder sister.I have completed my graduation from B.H.U Varanasi with 62% in B.Com(Hons) and completed my schooling from K.V.D.L.W Varanasi with good Percentage.Throught my academics I have been an active student.i am social person and I enjoy meeting people.
My interpersonal and strong communication skills always make me a good team player.My technical and professional assignments have always impressed my seniors and it is with their guidance and support I am looking forward toa bright careerin s/w or n/w industry.

Is This Answer Correct ?    26 Yes 15 No

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