difference between 2 tier and 3tier?and what is the
defination of tier?

difference between 2 tier and 3tier?and what is the defination of tier?..

Answer / arun

this environment contains two tiers one is for cleints and
the other one is for server.
presentation layer and business layer will be present in
the clients and database layer will be present in the
database server.

when ever the application need to be used in a single place
like single building a single organization or in numbers of
branches in single cities and if the application need to be
accessed very fastly then the environement sugusted is
client server environment or two tier environment.

Three tier environment: This environment containsthree
tiers, one is for cleints, the middle one is for the
application server and the last one is for database server.

Presentation logic will be present in cleint business logic
is present in the application server and the data base
logic is present in the database server.

when ever the application need to be used all over the
world by limited number people when the environment is
suggested is web environment or three tier environment.

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