How many times does the minute hand meet the hour hand in a

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How many times does the minute hand meet the hour hand in a day?..

Answer / rakesh gujrathi

12.00 am to 12.00 am if this day then,
(12.00 am , 01.00 am, 01.05 am, 02.00 am, 02.10 am,
03.00 am, 03.15 am, 04.00 am, 04.20 am, 5.00 am,
5.25 am, 6.00 am, 6.30 am, 7.00 am, 7.35 am,
8.00 am, 8.40 am, 9.00 am, 9.45 am, 10.00 am,
10.50 am, 11.00 am, 11.55 am.) = 23 * 2 = 46 times.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 17 No

How many times does the minute hand meet the hour hand in a day?..

Answer / harshal sarode

25 times is the most obvious answere

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 21 No

How many times does the minute hand meet the hour hand in a day?..

Answer / suhail

23 times

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 30 No

How many times does the minute hand meet the hour hand in a day?..

Answer / vinayak deshpande

48 times

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 37 No

How many times does the minute hand meet the hour hand in a day?..

Answer / bhanu

2 times
afternoon12,night 12

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 42 No

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