i m a non-it student. but i hav an option of gettin
employed n software also..
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when will become the indian bank clerical exam result? if u no any one pls send the info to my mail id. this is my mail id. saranya.jvkn@gmail.com
Why did you choose this aviation carrer
i have my interview on 25th august of PNB. plz guide me for the same. i really need help! my id is sweet_neha1991@yahoo.com and blossoms.sana@gmail.com
can i attend the syndicate bank PO exam 2010 as my date of birth is 20th may 1980.
Please tell me some speeches on different types of technology
As aperson , how would u describe urself ?
which type of growth do you want?
The distance between the magnetic north pole and magnetic south pole of a bar magnet is called the...?
differences between indians and americans
what type jobs in group 2
1 Answers Reddy Labs, RR Enterprises,
hi i want to know about examination of deputy field officer under cabinet secretary. when is it started. how many stage are completed to reached the interview board. actually i am b. com graduate. i send my application to the address of AD(Pers-A), post box no 3003 lodhi road post office new delhi-110003. i don't know about AD(Pers-A). but i write this word on the envelope which was send to the post office. is it correct addressed. have a any chanced to can celled my application. what type of question i have to faced in the written examination. can u give me any sample paper of this examination. thanks
when the dividend will issue by the company .if that time shares will sell by the holder who got the dividend?