is there more the two primary key in a single table?

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is there more the two primary key in a single table?..

Answer / sathishrpillai

no, but there can be any number of forgein keys in a single
A primary key of one table is the forgein key for other

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is there more the two primary key in a single table?..

Answer / chandra

no, we cant create more than one primary key in the single
bcoz it avoids the codds rule

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is there more the two primary key in a single table?..

Answer / elumalai.k

No it is not possible.
A table has only one primary key
If the table has more than one primary key is called
composite key.

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is there more the two primary key in a single table?..

Answer / navaneethakrishnan

no we cannot,

but we can do composite key in sql2005,

go in enterprise manager...

in the design view first set the primary key to one field
and then press ctrl key and set primary key to another field..

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is there more the two primary key in a single table?..

Answer / manoj

cannot add multiple primary key constraint on a single table

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is there more the two primary key in a single table?..

Answer / sudheer gowlikar

we cannot have more than one primary key on a table since
primary will create a clustered index and we can have only
1 clustered index on a table since clustered index will
sort data in data pages and the data sorted in one way
rather sorting number of ways.

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is there more the two primary key in a single table?..

Answer / ramesh.p

No, One table can have one primary key

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is there more the two primary key in a single table?..

Answer / sandeep rana

If table has more than one primary key is called
composite key....

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is there more the two primary key in a single table?..

Answer / boominathan


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is there more the two primary key in a single table?..

Answer / vincent

create table StudMaster(studid int not null,studname varchar
(20) not null,constraint Studmaster primary key clustered

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