What is bit data type?
can any one answer this query,thank you in advance Table 1 has 2 columns: EmployeeId, T shirtsize(values can be 1,2,3) Table 2 has 2 columns: EmployeeId, Region Write SQL to Find the region which has the largest number of people with Tshirt size=3
Can a stored procedure call itself or a recursive stored procedure? How many levels of sp nesting is possible?
Does windows server 2016 come with sql server?
What is the difference between OLEDB and ODBC
Explain about unique identifier data type in sql server?
Define Check points and End Points?
How to update muliple row in single query?
How does using a separate hard drive for several database objects improves performance right away?
Hi All, I want to display all duplicate records in the table. My query has to fetch all the records which are duplicate(First Name or Last Name). Also I want the ability to also pull names where there might be a middle initial placed in the end of the first name field, (i.e., "Maria Z. " vs. "Maria") as well. Please guide me to find this. Table: ID FirstName LastName 1 Zach H Hoffman 2 Zach Hoffman 3 Troy Hoffman 4 Shawn Livermore 5 Prem S 6 Jony Hoffman H 7 Zach Modan I need the query to filter......... ID FirstName LastName 1 Zach H Hoffman 2 Zach Hoffman 3 Troy Hoffman 6 Jony Hoffman H 7 Zach Modan I hope this example will give you clear idea..... Thanks in Advance Prem
What's the information that can be stored inside a bit column?
What is an index?
What are the advantages of using views. Why do we need views when we have SPs?