Error- misplaced continue.
Doubt-1.will the exit(x) be executed for all values of x
2.will this statement go out of the program.

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loop1: { x=i<n?(i++):0; printf("%d",i); exit(x); continue; } Error- misplace..

Answer / vignesh1988i

1) THE exit() function will be occuring only for one value for x in this case.

the main use of exit() function is , whenever we come accross a situation that no other go when we reach certain values we must be back to the IDE again.. so for that purpose we can use exit() function...... here lies an ambiquity since u have given the exit fuction inside the looping structure.. but exit() function when it is called once it will return to the programming screen... but the loop didnt terminate yet...

2) ya sure whenever exit function is encountered this will make to come from prompt mode to the IDE mode

thank u

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loop1: { x=i<n?(i++):0; printf("%d",i); exit(x); continue; } Error- misplace..

Answer / srinivas

Error- misplaced continue.

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loop1: { x=i<n?(i++):0; printf("%d",i); exit(x); continue; } Error- misplace..

Answer / kar4you

Error: Misplaced Continue

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loop1: { x=i<n?(i++):0; printf("%d",i); exit(x); continue; } Error- misplace..

Answer / vija


as per my experience....
exit() function can take only two arguments. 0(zero) and 1

exit(0)--indicates exit with error
exit(1)--indicates successful exit...

coming to yr code fragment in question..there is a
possibility for exit(x) to take other values..

so this caused the errorrrrr


correct me if its wrong!!

yours vijayabhaskar83@sifymail.com

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loop1: { x=i<n?(i++):0; printf("%d",i); exit(x); continue; } Error- misplace..

Answer / padmaraj


1: the statement x=i<n?(i++):0;
the value of i is < n the i will be increamented
by 1, else 0.
2 : The value of i is printed.
3 : exit() function is executed by all values of x.
4 : this program will not go out of loop.

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#include<iostream.h> #include<stdlib.h> static int n=0; class account { int age,accno; float amt; char name[20]; public: friend void accinfo(account [] ,int); void create(); void balenq(); void deposite(); void withdrawal(); void transaction(account []); }; void account :: create() { static int acc=1231; accno=acc+n; cout<<"\n\tENTER THE CUSTOMER NAME : "; cin>>name; cout<<"\n\t ENTER THE AGE : "; cin>>age; cout<<"\n\t ENTER THE AMOUNT : "; cin>>amt; // if(amt<=500) // cout<<"\n\tAMOUNT IS NOT SUFFICIENT TO CREATE AN ACCOUNT..."; cout<<"\n\t YOUR ACCOUNT NUMBER : "<<accno<<endl; n++; } void accinfo(account cus[],int ch) { int no,flag=0; cout<<"\n\t\tENTER YOUR ACCOUNT NUMBER : "; cin>>no; for(int i=0;i<=n&&flag==0;i++) if(no==cus[i].accno) { flag=1; switch(ch) { case 2: cus[i].balenq(); break; case 3: cus[i].deposite(); break; case 4: cus[i].withdrawal(); break; case 5: cus[i].transaction(cus); break; default: cout<<"\n\t\tEND OF THE OPERATION"; exit(1); } } if(flag==0) cout<<"\n\t\tYOUR ACCOUNT DOES NOT EXIST..."<<endl; } void account :: balenq() { cout<<"\n\t\tCUSTOMER NAME : "<< name << endl; cout<<"\n\t\tBALANCE : "<< amt << endl; } void account :: deposite() { int damt; cout<<"\n\t\tCUSTOMER NAME : "<< name <<endl; cout<<"\n\t\tBALANCE : "<< amt <<endl; cout<<"\n\tENTER THE AMOUNT TO BE DEPOSITED : "; cin>>damt; amt+=damt; cout<<"\n\t\tYOUR CURRENT BALANCE : "<<amt<<endl; } void account :: withdrawal() { int wamt; cout<<"\n\t\tCUSTOMER NAME : "<< name; cout<<"\n\t\tBALANCE : "<< amt; cout<<"\n\tENTER THE AMOUNT TO BE WITHDRAWN : "; cin>>wamt; if(amt-wamt>=500) { amt-=wamt; cout<<"\n\t\tYOUR CURRENT BALANCE : "<<amt; } else cout<<"\n\tYOUR BALANCE IS TOO LOW FOR WITHDRAWAL..."<<endl; } void account :: transaction (account cus[]) { int no,tamt,flag=0; cout<<"\n\tENTER THE RECEIVER'S ACCOUNT NUMBER : "; cin>>no; cout<<"\n\t\t ENTER THE AMOUNT : "; cin>>tamt; for(int i=0;i<=n&&flag==0;i++) if(cus[i].accno==no) { flag=1; cus[i].amt+=tamt; amt-=tamt; cout<<"\n\t\tYOUR CURRENT BALANCE : "<<amt<<endl; cout<<"\n\t\t RECEIVER'S BALANCE : "<<cus[i].amt<<endl; } if(flag==0) cout<<"\n\tRECEIVER'S ACCOUNT NUMBER IS NOT AVALIABLE..."<<endl; } void main() { account cus[10]; int ch; do { cout<<"\n\t\t BANK ACCOUNT"; cout<<"\n\t\t ************\n"; cout<<"\n\t\t1.CREATE AN ACCOUNT"; cout<<"\n\t\t2.BALANCE ENQUIRY"; cout<<"\n\t\t3.DEPOSITE"; cout<<"\n\t\t4.WITHDRAWAL"; cout<<"\n\t\t5.TRANSACTION"; cout<<"\n\t\t6.EXIT\n\n"; cout<<"\n\t\tENTER YOUR CHOICE : "; cin>>ch; if(ch==1) cus[n].create(); else accinfo(cus,ch); }while(1); }

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