Assume that the int variables i and j have been
declared, and that n has been declared and initialized.

Write code that causes a "triangle" of asterisks of size
n to be output to the screen. Specifically, n lines should
be printed out, the first consisting of a single asterisk,
the second consisting of two asterisks, the third
consistings of three, etc. The last line should consist of
n asterisks. Thus, for example, if n has value 3, the
output of your code should be
You should not output any space characters.

Hint: Use a for loop nested inside another for loop.

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Assume that the int variables i and j have been declared, and that n has been declared and ini..

Answer / sreepal

int i,j,n;
printf("Enter the size of Triangle:");
scanf("%d", &n);


Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 4 No

Assume that the int variables i and j have been declared, and that n has been declared and ini..

Answer / geetha.s.b


Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 2 No

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