requirement:To move display statements in a cobol program
to a dataset.These display statements were not in main
program but in calling program and we were not allowed to
move these info via sysout dd dsn='' . please
let me know the ways this can be handled
Give an algorithm for the following problem and determine its time complexity. Given a list of n distinct positive integers, partition the list into two sublists, each of size n/2, such that the difference between the sums of the integers in the two sublists is maximized. You may assume that n is a multiple of 2 (i.e. n is even).
hi........ i am a student of computer science. i want to earn some money on net so that i can help my parents. so please suggest me some sites which give online part time jobs without any registration charges. please help me. i will be very thankful to you. varinder.
differences between pass by reference and pass by value in c language?
hai iam selected in po exam in allahabad bank . my interview date is 02-06-2009. so plese send me some sample question on my email. my email is
When a new build comes what is the first step taken by a tester in testing
model question papers of GrayOrange company
15. What is your Future Plans for the Company if Permanently Employed?
I am going to appear for ISRO written test on 26 th april 2009 .So kindly forward me sample previous question paper for ISRO for BE Computer Science . My mail id :
wat is the process of civil services examination...I want to become DSP....Is civil services and APPSC are sam???first of all for wat we have to prepare...for prelimnary or for mains or for nterview...i dont know any thing...please help
A rectangular beam section of 300 mm width and 500 mm effective depth is reinforced with 4 bars of 20 mm diameter, what shear reinforcement is required to resist 200 kN shear (use working stress method)?
what things abutsbi
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
Including stoppage speed of a bus is 54km/hr while excluding stoppage of bus is 45km/hr.Find the time that the bus has been spread on stoppage?