what is functions in qtp?i know the userdefind &bulit
funation or i know that Private public function ?plz tell
me what is funations in qtp?how to create a funation in qtp

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what is functions in qtp?i know the userdefind &bulit funation or i know that Private public ..

Answer / kamesh

Public function : Indicates that the Function procedure is
accessible to all other procedures(functions) in all
Private function: Indicates that the Function procedure is
accessible only to other procedures(functions) in the
script where it is declared or if the function is a member
of a class,

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what is functions in qtp?i know the userdefind &bulit funation or i know that Private public ..

Answer / shilpa reddy

function is a set of statements written to fulfill the
functionality &for reusable purpose.
we have user defined functions categorised as public and
private functions.

public f/n:is having access to all actions and tests which
associate that function.i mean function code will be stored
in library files with .vbs xtension,before using this
function we should associate that function to our script.
private function:this is used only in the action where it
is created.(it will not work even in another actions of
same test)

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what is functions in qtp?i know the userdefind &bulit funation or i know that Private public ..

Answer / pankaj sharma

1.Function in QTP : Function in QTP if nothing but the set
of line of code written in .vbs , .txt or in .qfl format to
which we pass n number of parameters and it return one
value .
You can add function in QTP using navigation as :
Setting > Resources
Where we can add user defined function which will be
accesible every where in QTP Suite .
To create funtion in QTP we can use funtion generator
option given in in QTP where we can set input and output
values also insert > Function Defination Genetator

Check a small example below
Call sum(8,4)

Function sum(x,y)
MsgBox sum
End Function

For any further doubt you can directly come to me on my

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what is functions in qtp?i know the userdefind &bulit funation or i know that Private public ..

Answer / bfakruddin

Function: Function is a block of statements which is used to
perform a particular task and we can call from any test and
pass parameters from calling function and get the result
from called function.

Function returns Single value, we can pass no.of input
parameters and get no.of output parameters and use that
output parameters in tests, But returned value would be on
function name, i.e. the return value at calling function
We can declare function in function

No need to explain about public and private functions in
interviews until unless they ask about the differences.
many interviews they ask differences between sub procedures
and function procedures.

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