How can you give wait up to 10 seconds in qtp?
What is object identification?
What is debugging? How you debug your script?
How can I map test requirement to Test Set (multiple test cases)? Under test lab, I have multiple test cases. I would like to map 1 requirement to all test cases under that test set (in test lab)? Currently, I think QC only allow mapping 1 test requirement to 1 test case. Instead I would like to map 1 test requirement to multiple test cases under one test lab.
4 Answers CarrizalSoft Technologies, DST Global Solutions,
what properties do use to identify a browser and page while using descriptive programming?
What is an Custom Object in QTP ?
what is the difference between DP and keyword driven framework?
Please guide me release notes of Automation once scripts are completed
what testplan contents and what test strategy contents,what is the diff b/w them
How can we import a Open Office excel file in QTP
write a script to validate the content in the web application. (do it by OR method) and (do it by Descriptive method by creating a description object.. (give a filter condition only WEbelement- not easy need to use some more property while giving filter condtions- use google for your help...))
write a VBscript code to parametrize test script using test data from sqlserver database?
Hi All, I am 4 yrs experieced in manual testing and new to automation tool QTP. Iam trying to learn it thru online and material i have.I am able to understand but unable to trace out which method or function to be used where necessary in VB Script. How come we know the functions or methods to be used to open a window when clicking on button or so...Pls suggest me.How can i proceed further to apt VB Script.